Planning for a bigger retirement income

Looking forward to having more time to explore faraway places

Today, with more Britons living longer and healthier lives, the concept of retirement is much different to what it was only one generation ago. For each retiree, retirement is different. Perhaps you’re looking forward to having more time to explore faraway places, or maybe you dream of simply waking up each day and doing whatever takes your fancy. Continue reading…

Easing into retirement

Older workers are increasingly valuable members of the gig workforce

We tend to associate young people with the gig economy, but new research shows that older, more skilled workers are increasingly making the move. The gig economy has been enthusiastically embraced by millennials who favour the flexibility it offers, although it appears that it is older workers who might be benefiting the most. Continue reading…

One in eight will retire with no pension in 2018

Excuses to avoid facing the difficult work of saving for retirement

Retirement is one of our biggest financial challenges. As with any daunting challenges we face, we tend to think up excuses so we can avoid facing the difficult work of saving for retirement. Worryingly, nearly one in eight people retiring this year (12%) have made no provision for their retirement, including 10% who will either be totally or somewhat reliant on the State Pension, according to new research[1]. Continue reading…

Is inflation back? Don’t panic

How to protect the value of your money from its effects

Is inflation back? After two years when consumer prices in the UK barely rose, the annual rate of inflation has risen above the Bank of England’s (BOE) target of 2% in 2017. The combination of high inflation and limited wage growth – as well as uncertainty about the terms on which Britain will leave the European Union in 2019 – is expected to mean Britain’s economy grows more weakly than other EU economies this year. Continue reading…

Pension freedoms

Accessing your entire pension flexibly

How your future looks will ultimately be determined by having the right vehicle in place for your retirement. As you approach retirement and start thinking about when and how to take your money, it’s a good idea to check what pensions you have and what they might give you. The rules around pensions are continuously changing, which means it’s essential to receive regular professional advice on how to build up and invest your pension effectively. Continue reading…

Tax relief and pensions

Annual and lifetime limits

When it comes to managing money, one of the things some people find most difficult to understand is the tax relief they receive on payments into their pension. Tax relief means some of your money that would have gone to the Government as tax goes into your pension instead. You can put as much as you want into your pension, but there are annual and lifetime limits on how much tax relief you get on your pension contributions. Continue reading…

Pension lifetime allowance

Putting a value on your pension savings in the future

The pension lifetime allowance is a limit on the value of payouts from your pension schemes – whether lump sums or retirement income – that can be made without triggering an extra tax charge. Continue reading…

State Pension

New changeover arrangements designed to be simpler than the old system

The State Pension changed on 6 April 2016. If you reached State Pension age on or after that date, you’ll get the new State Pension under the new rules. The new State Pension is designed to be simpler than the old system, but there are some changeover arrangements which you need to know about if you’ve already made contributions under the old system. Continue reading…

Defined contribution pension schemes

Building up a pot of money to provide an income in retirement

With a defined contribution pension, you build up a pot of money that you can then use to provide an income in retirement. Unlike defined benefit schemes, which promise a specific income, the income you might get from a defined contribution scheme depends on factors including the amount you pay in, the fund’s investment performance and the choices you make at retirement. Continue reading…

Defined benefit pension schemes

Paying out a secure income for life which increases each year

A defined benefit pension scheme is one where the amount paid to you is set using a formula based on how many years you’ve worked for your employer and the salary you’ve earned, rather than the value of your investments. If you work or have worked for a large employer or in the public sector, you may have a defined benefit pension. Continue reading…